Sunday, April 27, 2008

April 10, 2008

Today we had mockmockboards...our very last one right before our actual board test. i cant' believe this semester is coming to an end so quickly. My pt. was a great class 2 that was great to work on. She was pregnant so I wasn't able to give her local anesthetic but it turned out alright. I didn't miss any calculus spots but I did miss my perio statement and an area of recession. I also caused an area of tissue trauma...OOPS!
I also had a pt. come in so I could take xrays but our clinic had a bunch of no shows with pt's and so I gave him up so he could be cleaned instead of me taking xrays.
I told him he would have to come back in for the xrays and he was very nice about it and agreed. He is my possible board pt. and I need to get some good xrays.
I still can't believe we only have 2-3 more weeks. I need to get some things finalized so I better go. Later,


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