Friday, April 04, 2008

April 3

I saw a cute 4 year old today. He wasn't very cooperative but he was sure cute. Every time I would ask him to open up or to lye back in the chair or anything his response made me laugh a little. He would just look at me and hum a bit (hmmmmmm) and than say thats ok like he was telling me he wasn't going to do that.
His mom and I tried the best we could. We got him polished but I couldn't scale any plaque off of him. He said it hurt. So we didn't push it.
At 12:30 all of our schedules changed. I had scheduled a family and I was going to see a 1A and I gave all the other children away. I had another peer ask if I could do one of her patients. So I gave my 1A away and saw the other peers 1B and did sealants again.
Everyone who was on the schedule for someone was switched with someone else. But we got everyone taken care of.


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