Jan 17 2008
Last week I forgot to mention I found my mockboard patient. The first day back I found him. I was feeling pretty good about myself. I sure hope he shows up when its time. I did get three quads cleaned and left the last one for mockboard day.
Today I had a 14 year old ( he looked like he was 20). He was a big kid. His tissues were very flacid and red. He never brushed his teeth. He was only a 1B but he was on his way to becoming a perio pt. We got him cleaned up and stressed home care along with regular cleanings.
He is coming back in a month for a tissue evaluation.
My afternoon pt. was young as well. She was 20. Her tissues and teeth were pretty tight and stippled. But she did have the bone loss and debris to be a class 2. We went over home care and regular cleanings as well with her. I'm not sure she understood due to the language barreier but she said she understood and we will evaluate next visit.
I know it is just the beginning of the semester but I sure hope I start finding difficult patients so I can meet requirements.
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