Monday, February 05, 2007


Today wasn't as bad as it has been before but I still didn't get done. I really need to finish a patient so I don't have to bring them back. My patient today had pfm crowns and bridges and worn down teeth that were croweded. She didn't have a whole lot of calculus but the margins of the crowns were hard to tell if it was or wasn't. I only got one quad done and I'm hoping to pass her off as an exam. We'll see how it goes.
I'm not able to get her back for another 3 weeks so I hope she doesn't cancel on me. She had 3 quads as a class 1B and one as a 2.
I just really need to get faster.

Last week!

Last Wednesday I had a pt. scheduled that was given to me a class mate. They were two sisters that spoke spanish. They were confirmed many times for this cleaning appoinmnet but when they showed up there mother thought we were extracting there teeth. So they didn't want there teeth cleaned. They scheduled with Midtown and left me and my classmate patientless.
We ended up having to search the campus for hours to try and find someone. No one had the time to come and get there teeth cleaned. They were either going to class or on there way to work. We look in EVERY building on campus. My feet were soo tired and my shoes and scrubs were white with salt. We never found any one for that day.
I am a little worried about loosing that day and not being able to get my quads in.
I just need to work really fast to leave days open.